5 Day Reading Plan

This special Bible reading system allows you to read the entire Bible (or just the New Testament) in one year while only reading five times a week. Five readings a week gives room to catch up or take a day off to focus on other Bible reading or spiritual disciplines, and makes daily Bible reading practical and do-able.

The Old Testament readings are placed as chronologically as possible (even the Psalms are read where they belong in Israel’s history when feasible, and this is why some prophets appear to be “out of order”). The only exception is Job, probably the oldest book in the Bible, but placed at the Schedule’s end because it is hard to fit elsewhere. The New Testament readings space the Gospels out throughout the year to keep the reader constantly coming back to the life and teachings of Jesus.

Always do the reading in the order it appears on the Schedule. For example, if a reading from Chronicles appears before Kings, read from Chronicles first.

See https://fivedaybiblereading.com for more details or to download and print your own plan.