About Us

Our Staff Team


Andy Pike


Kerin Verster


Myra Glover


Richard Sturdee


Kerry-Anne Verster


Douglas Pike

Our Beliefs

We believe the Bible

It is the completed word of God, and the final authority as to what we believe and how we live. It has no error, and forbids us to add to it or take anything from it.

We believe in Jesus

Jesus is the eternal and divine Son of God. He became a man. On the cross he endured the full guilt, shame and punishment due to us for our sin. On the third day he rose from the dead. He is currently in heaven where he acts as our advocate. From there he exercises power and authority over all things. We rejoice in the knowledge that he will return to save his own and punish the guilty.

We believe in personal salvation

Salvation is by faith alone, a gift from God that cannot be earned. We are all sinners and each of us must come to a personal relationship with Christ.

We believe in a life of discipleship

Having been saved we are called to live as disciples of Jesus, serving and obeying him.

We believe in teaching

Faithful preaching and teaching of the Bible, ploughed into the warp and woof of our lives, is a vital part of the Christian life. Through it our faith is strengthened, we grow in grace, and we are made more like Christ.

We believe in making disciples

The good news of Jesus Christ is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. We hear our Lord’s mandate to take this message to the four corners of the earth.

We believe in the fellowship of believers.

At our services we come together in the presence of God, to worship him, pray to him, and listen to him. We invite you to join us.


As a part of REACH-SA we subscribe to the 39 Articles. - follow this link to read the 39 Articles or this link  for the Constitution of REACH-SA.

REACH-SA is an independent Anglican denomination and does not fall under the authority of the Archbishops of Canterbury or Cape Town. Christ Church Howick’s constitution can be downloaded from this link.

Our History

CCH history (16 Aug 2015)

Our Constitution

CC Howick Constitution